What's Happening...

One of the interesting things about being an artist, is that a lot of fun, strange, and unexpected things tend to happen in your life.  You never know who you're going to meet, and what adventures lay ahead of you.  It's a long story of why and how, but this past year I met up with the amazing singer, songwriter and Grammy award winning producer John Forte in New York.  Basically, we decided to engage in an artistic exchange...
Premise- I'd bring up a painting for him, and in exchange, I'd get a song that he would create, based upon his interpretation of the painting.  
Cool right?!
To me, the painting  "A Closer Examination of the Components of Love" (pictured above)   is about love, and all of the hardships and battles you face and endure in the name of love.  Be it the love a mom has for a child who is driving her nuts, or the love that keeps you in a relationship despite the fact that your lover is also quite capable of making your life miserable.
Anyway,  John's interpretation just blew me away.  The song "Upon Closer Examination" he came up with is so intense and honest- it just breaks my heart and gives me the chills every time I hear it.  I really love it!

And guess what.... *it's available on iTunes now if you'd like to get it for yourself and give it a listen!*  

John and his band in Russia- photo by Ian McAlpin
If you get a chance, I highly suggest you also go see him play live. But, you'll have to wait a bit, since he is now touring Russia.   I promise you it'll be worth the wait.